Airports Global Day of Action at SFO, LAX

SEIU-USWW members joined demonstrations at more than 40 airports in 13 countries on October 2.

Airport workers demonstrated worldwide to put airlines like American, Southwest and United on notice and call for fair wages, union rights, and safe workplace conditions.

“At LAX, my union SEIU-United Service Workers West has fought to double wages and win full family health care,” said wheelchair attendant Tim Maddox. “Now we are fighting back against airlines like American and Southwest who are trying to undermine those gains. On October 2nd we were out in force telling airlines they need to play an important role in our communities by providing good union jobs at airports at LAX and across the entire country.”

Baggage handlers, security officers, cabin cleaners, janitors, wheelchair attendants, and other contracted airport workers provide soaring profits to the global airline industry, which is projected to profit $38.4 billion in 2018, while struggling to make ends meet on low wages and often without benefits or paid days off.

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