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Airport workers like you fought hard to make sure the federal bailout wasn’t just another corporate giveaway.
Airport workers and supporters sent 5,521 emails to members of congress in 47 states to demand that working people be included in any bailout. Here’s What We Won by Taking Action Together:
- Airline contractors will have access to a $3 billion fund designed to protect jobs for 125,000 airport workers through September.
- Every taxpayer making up to $75,000 a year will get $1,200 ($2,400 for married couples making under $150,000) and $500 for each child under 16.
- A significant increase in unemployment insurance benefits that will amount to full paycheck replacement for most working people who lost their jobs during the crisis or cannot work due to the pandemic. The legislation increases payments by an additional $600 per week for all recipients, and extends payments for an additional 13 weeks.
Apply for unemployment benefits here
Other Financial Support Services for Airport Workers:
Paid FMLA: Paid leave to care for family member or self, provides percentage of salary.
Paid Sick Leave: One hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.
Utilities: PG&E moratorium on service disconnections for non-payment.
Utilities: energy, water, sewer, and communications companies under California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) jurisdiction should halt customer disconnections for non-payment as a result of the State of Emergency called by Gov. Gavin Newsom due to COVID-19.
Utilities: Southern California Edison suspending service disconnections for nonpayment and waiving late fees.
Talk to Your Organizer:
SEIU-USWW Remains Open and Operational Remotely Throughout the Crisis
The safety and well being of our members and their families is USWW’s top priority. Therefore, USWW is following the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations to limit social interaction in order to slow the virus’ transmission and protect the most vulnerable. However, we are available to you throughout this crisis.
If you have any questions or COVID-19 related issues please contact your organizer. You have a right to hear back from your organizer within 24 hours. If you don’t please report it to your division manager.
Please Check for your employer and airport:
If you do not here back from your organizer within 24 hours, please call your Division Manager, Ada Camacho, (323) 428-8414
If you do not hear back from your organizer within 24 hours, please call your Division Manager, Amelia Bunch, 510-437-8136
Are you concerned about being protected from COVID-19?
You have the right to employer provided training with the latest information on how COVID-19 is transmitted, new procedures and CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of disease, how to use, put on and take off personal protective equipment.
You have a right to call in sick if you are sick. You should not be retaliated against or disciplined for calling out sick during this pandemic. The governor has issued guidance that people over 65 or with serious chronic health conditions that make your susceptible to COVID-19 should stay home.
You have a right to know if you have been exposed. If a passenger on a flight was found to have COVID-19, the CDC will notify the airline and the airline should inform contracted workers. Cabin cleaners should be informed of any passengers who had COVID-19 symptoms seat numbers(s) by flight crew immediately after flight.
You have the right to personal protective equipment
- Gloves should be available for all workers in sufficient quantities. When used properly gloves will protect you from contaminated surfaces.
- A surgical mask is not airtight, so it will not protect you from an airborne virus. The CDC does recommend that people who are sick wear a surgical mask. Your employer should allow you to wear a mask if you choose to.
- If you are cleaning a flight with a passenger who had COVID-19 like symptoms or you are taking care such a passenger you should be issued disposable gloves, disposable gown, and a face shield if splashing is possible.
You have a right to enough cleaning supplies & correct procedures in place to follow all CDC guidelines
- Wheelchair pushers should have supplies and time to disinfect wheelchair in between passengers.
- Cabin cleaners should be instructed to follow new CDC enhanced cleaning procedures on any flight where a there was a passenger with COVID-19 like symptoms.
You have the right to use the bathroom when you need to, including to wash hands (OSHA 1910.141). You can ask to go to the bathroom if you are a wheelchair agent who just took care of a sick passenger before you get your next passenger or if you are any airport workers who came in contact with a contaminated surface.
You have a right to safe staffing. Employers must notify the union of any cuts and bargain over any impacts. Although there are many canceled flights employers must keep enough people working to follow all deep cleaning and sanitizing procedures. If your department is already understaffed further cuts are not always justified. If you are laid off or your hours are cut you may be eligible for unemployment insurance or other support.
Document and report any violations – Our health, our families and our communities are on the line!
what is happening in your workplace? Fill out our survey HERE
please fill out the survey and reach out to your shop steward and organizer with any safety concerns or if you don’t have the equipment or training you deserve.
This situation is changing rapidly- stay informed of latest regulations and safety recommendations
New CDC guidelines for taking care of sick passengers and cabin cleaning: https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/air/managing-sick-travelers/ncov-airlines.html
EPA’s list of approved disinfectants for the novel Corona Virus: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-03/documents/sars-cov-2-list_03-03-2020.pdf
Cal OSHA’s guidance on the Corona Virus: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/coronavirus/General-Industry.html
CDC guidance for employers: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fspecific-groups%2Fguidance-business-response.html[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section][vc_column][mk_padding_divider][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1528403179235{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
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